Thursday, March 16, 2006

More, Now, Again by Elizabeth Wurtzel

I was not the only reader dissatisfied with Bitch, Wurtzel's second book. After Prozac Nation, which is an all-time favorite book of mine, I was expecting to love Bitch. When I didn't, I didn't bother to pick up More, Now, Again for a long time. Something compelled me to try it recently, and I'm glad I did. Like Prozac Nation, More, Now, Again invites the reader into Wurtzel's world. This time, it is a world of drug addiction, and it is told without pulling any punches. Her descent into addiction is tragic. And yet her story as a whole seems uplifting and even inspirational. She treats drug addiction with the same honesty, humor, and grit that depression received in her first book. And drug addiction is clearly identifiable as a disease, just as depression was. (The disorganization and structural problems with Bitch are attributable to the drug addiction from which she was suffering while writing Bitch...which explains a lot.) Recommended, if you like Wurtzel.

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