Sunday, March 02, 2008

The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao by Junot Diaz

This book should be called "The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar WOW." This book was incredible -- narrated by a voice stronger than nearly any other character I've ever read.

The book is about a young man named Oscar who immigrates with his mother and sister from the Dominican Republic. The book alternates between each of their stories to paint a family history that spans the D.R. and New Jersey, going back several generations. Having read several books lately that take place in an unnamed South American country, it was impressive to read such a carefully researched and executed story taking place specifically in the D.R. and the Dominican-American community.
Though the story is often tragic, Diaz masterfully injected humor and sarcasm throughout the telling of the story. The writing is great - the voice of the narrator is strong and particular from the first page. This books makes me want to read Diaz' earlier book (Flood) as well as a couple strong-voiced books I've skipped in the past. Beloved comes to mind.

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