Friday, February 27, 2009

An Arsonist's Guide to Writers' Homes in New England by Brock Clarke

I noticed this book in the 'new arrivals' section of the library. The title caught my eye so I decided to try it.

This book is about a man who turns his life around after serving a jail sentence for accidentally setting fire to Emily Dickinson's house. Twenty years later, his history starts catching up to him as other writers' houses are burned down and he is the prime suspect. In figuring out how to defend himself, he reconciles with his estranged parents and learns more about their marriage and his childhood. The book was part mystery, part novel.

The narrator was likable enough as a character although I didn't think that he (or the other characters) were particularly well-developed. The story's quirky style held my attention, but I don't think this is a book I'll remember at the end of the year.

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