Saturday, April 21, 2012

Blame by Michele Huneven

This book came off the Chicago Tribune's booklist a few years back.  It was good - a reasonably complex set of themes hiding in an easy-to-read novel reminiscient of Jodi Picoult.

Most of the story is about Patsy, an alcoholic who kills two people in an accident while driving drunk.  The story follows her as she goes to prison, joins AA, and once released, rebuilds her life with an unlikely set of family and friends.  Most notably, she becomes friends with the husband and father of her victims, and also marries the unlikeliest of partners.  When additional details about the accident come out decades later, Patsy is confronted with the realities of what her life was like, and of what is has since become.

You could consider this a beach read or airport read - it is fast-paced and well-plotted.  However, that would probably underestimate the quality of the book and the profundity of its message. 


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