Monday, September 02, 2013

Review: The Invisible Bridge

The Invisible Bridge
The Invisible Bridge by Julie Orringer

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

My mom recommended this book to me and it was fabulous! WOW. My only regret is not reading it last year when I was in both Paris and Budapest, the book's two main settings. Totally a first-world problem.

This book follows the story of Andras Levi, a Hungarian Jew who moves to Paris to attend architecture school. His younger brother stays in Budapest, while his older brother moves to Italy to become a doctor. He and his brothers all face challenges as the Nazi party and its anti-Semitism become increasingly stronger in the 1930's and then WWII breaks out.

Andras' story is followed most closely, and also revolves around the relationship he has with a family in Budapest and their estranged daughter in Paris. But various love interests and life event for the brothers are chronicled as well.

While I found the first quarter of the book a little tedious, with a love interest that was on-again off-again to an extreme degree, the rest of the book was enthralling. I had a hard time putting it down, and couldn't wait to see what happened next. I was also interested in learning about the fate of Hungarian Jews during WWII, tragic but different from that of much of the rest of Europe.

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