Sunday, May 29, 2016

Review: The Argonauts

The Argonauts The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Wow. I rarely come upon a book that I feel like was too "hard" for me, but this was one. My cousin recommended it to me, which is a testament to her overestimation of my intellect. This is a memoir, sort of, well, at least it is a set of writings and reflections based on the author's life, where she is married to an artist who is genderqueer and she has their first child. It's a short book, but she packs in observations about parenthood, pregnancy, feminism, gay culture, transgender culture, and race, to name a few topics. She quotes a lot of sources I was unfamiliar with, really digging into some of the texts. Overall I finished the book feeling like "this was great, but a lot of it over my head."

View all my reviews

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