Friday, October 19, 2018

Review: The Motherhood Affidavits: A Memoir

The Motherhood Affidavits: A Memoir The Motherhood Affidavits: A Memoir by Laura Jean Baker
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

This book was a tough one to review. I have all the respect in the world for the author's writing style and honesty in her memoir. That aside, her life choices were difficult to stomach.

Baker and her husband live in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. She is a professor and he is a lawyer. She suffers from depression, but discovers that the oxytocin that comes from being pregnant and breastfeeding seems to treat her mental illness. She decides (her husband more reluctantly) to continue having children far past what the couple can handle economically and mentally.

Interwoven with their story of economic distress, marital difficulties, and children - lots of children - are stories of the law firm that her husband runs. Patronized mostly by people living on the fringe and involved in the ever-worsening drug problems that plague the Midwest, his firm struggles to break even, let alone to support their growing family.

This story was frustrating, but as a memoir, it stands strong.

View all my reviews

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