Saturday, December 22, 2007

Last Minute Barnes and Noble Run

Tonight we went to Barnes and Noble for a last minute gift run, and ended up with several treats for ourselves. Webster couldn't find two books he wanted, so he went over to the self-serve kiosk and ordered them. (He even had them gift-wrapped for himself!) The kiosk was easy to use and he double-checked that his credit card number was not accessible to the next user. It's nice to see B&N having some self-service. I remember reading an article once about Borders having self-service and B&N not, purposely, but I'll take a couple minutes with a computer rather than a sales associate any day.

I picked up another sci-fi book by Robert Sawyer, Nigella Lawson's new cookbook, and a book by Doris Lessing.

I forgot my B&N gift certificates, so Webster paid for my books and I paid him back in gift certificates when we got home.

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