Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Inferno by Dan Brown

This showed up on my doorstep unexpectedly - thanks to Dad who sent it as a surprise!  Another book starring Robert Langdon from The Da Vinci Code, this one follows Langdon as he wakes in Florence suffering from amnesia.  

An adventure from the start, he embarks on a fast-paced chase around several pieces of art Dante's Inferno.  Interspersed with Langdon's travels across Europe around the Inferno are several chapters around an eccentric leader of a "transhuman" movement - one that believes that overpopulation is imminent and deadly, and that changes to our genetics can change human history for the better.

I liked this book more than Brown's last one, The Lost Symbol.  This seemed to be better written (as airport reads go) and though many hundreds of pages long, I didn't see many places that I would have cut.  I was kept entertained throughout the book and had trouble putting it down.


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear it was better than the Symbol! While I enjoyed the history included in The Symbol I could have written the story. It was brutal.

Anonymous said...

Glad this was better than the Symbol. While I appreciated the historical details in the symbol, especially as it related to religion and the US, I thought was story telling was pathetic. Glad he redeemed himself a bit!

BTW, my password to prove I'm not a robot is "Excretion". Nice.