Wednesday, February 08, 2017

Review: Boy, Snow, Bird

Boy, Snow, Bird Boy, Snow, Bird by Helen Oyeyemi
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

I heard about this on Huffington Post, on a list of books for women to read. This was a really weird, really good, really unusual book. In some ways it is a modern read on Snow White - a woman with a shockingly awful childhood marries and inherits a beautiful, nymph-like stepdaughter. She struggles with their relationship, and then when she has her own child, she discovers by the baby's complexion that her new family and husband have been hiding their black heritage for a few generations. As you may imagine, things get complicated. With great character development, nods to familiar fairy tales, and even elements of magical realism, this book really held my attention.

View all my reviews

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