Sunday, December 15, 2013

Review: Reconstructing Amelia

Reconstructing Amelia
Reconstructing Amelia by Kimberly McCreight

My rating: 2 of 5 stars

Lisa recommended this to me, I think after I read [b:Gone Girl|8442457|Gone Girl|Gillian Flynn||13306276], but I thought it was nowhere near as good as that. In fact, I thought it was like a poor woman's version of [b:Defending Jacob|11367726|Defending Jacob|William Landay||16298550].

The book is about a single mom named Kate whose daughter Amelia ostensibly commits suicide after being accused of cheating at her private school. However, Kate believes she didn't actually kill herself and embarks on an investigation of her own to determine what happened to her. The book alternated between Kate in the current time and Amelia in the weeks before her death. It also includes some emails and text messages as part of the story.

The concept of this book was good and the story was ok, but the characters were not well-developed. Neither Kate nor Amelia's voice were really believable. The twists at the end of the story weren't that fun either. All in all, I was not a big fan.

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