Sunday, December 15, 2013

Review: Sisterland

Sisterland by Curtis Sittenfeld

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Perhaps nothing will ever stand up next to [b:Prep|9844|Prep|Curtis Sittenfeld||2317177], a book with one of the best "voices" I have ever read. This book was good, not great, but held my attention.

The story follows a pair of sisters who have some supernatural powers. Nothing major, just an ability to occasionally look into the future or know the location of something or someone. The sisters have treated this ability differently - one lives a pretty typical suburban life, while the other holds seances and practices as a medium. When an earthquake hits their city, they have very different reactions to whether to make predictions about future earthquakes.

Probably the best part of this book was the description of the relationships between different characters. The sisters, their relationships with their parents, their partners, and neighbors, are all described with great attention to personal detail. There were a few good twists in the plot toward the end as well. I'd recommend this book but it's no Prep.

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