Saturday, August 17, 2013

Review: Defending Jacob

Defending Jacob
Defending Jacob by William Landay

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Meredith recommended this book to me and it came up on my library queue. I wish I could choose 3.5 was pretty good but not great.

The story follows Andy Barber, assistant DA in Boston, whose son is accused of murdering one of his classmates. Andy believes his son is innocent, but all the evidence starts to point to the boy. The story is told through a combination of narrative and court documents, which was a nice touch.

I thought the characters were pretty compelling - the love Andy had for his son, and the relationship between Andy and his wife in particular. The story read quickly and was a good mystery. However, there is a major twist at the end that really made the book. Without it, it would have been just another murder mystery. I appreciated the twist but didn't think it raised the book to an amazing level.

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