Sunday, November 30, 2014

Review: The Imposter Bride

The Imposter Bride
The Imposter Bride by Nancy Richler

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book was one of those that I just picked blindly at the library. It was pretty good - it was about a Jewish woman who arrives in Montreal after WWII having assumed the identity of someone else. She arrives somewhat as a mail order bride, but ends up marrying the brother of her intended. When a member of the actual woman's family realizes she isn't who she says she is, things get complicated for her.

At the same time, the book alternates between this time and several years in the future, when her daughter (whom she abandons as an infant) is trying to figure out what her real life story is, and why she left.

I liked this book for a few reasons - the plot was unusual and not in any way formulaic. I enjoyed the characters, all of whom were very well-developed, and I really liked reading about a Jewish community outside of the US.

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